Early Voting Begins for the March 23 Elections
Shreveport, Louisiana– Residents of Shreveport have commenced casting their ballots as early voting for the March 23 election officially began. A significant issue on the election ballot is the Caddo Sheriff’s race. Increasingly, a preference for early voting instead of waiting till election day is being noticed among the electorate.
Why Residents Are Voting Early
On inquiring about the reason behind their choice to vote early, many residents voiced their concern over ensuring that their vote is counted well in time. “I wanted to make sure my vote was counted, and I’m expecting grandchildren, and I do not know when or if I’ll be home on the day to vote,” said David Stamps, a resident who participated in the early voting process. Several residents, like Audrey Allen-Ford, revealed that they generally prefer voting early as it prepares them for unforeseen circumstances.
Importance of Early Voting
Residents hold that every vote is crucial in the elections, and early voting is an excellent method to ensure their vote’s inclusion. “I think if you have a question about whether you’ll have the ability to vote, I think you need to vote. So take the early route, get it over with, and make sure your vote counts,” expressed David Stamps, emphasizing the importance of early voting. Echoing similar sentiments, Allen-Ford added, “We saw it at the last election by one vote. Every vote matters. Every vote counts. Everyone needs to get out and vote. Everybody’s voice needs to be heard.”
Timings for Early Voting
Residents interested in participating in early voting can visit the polling stations every day except Sunday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., until March 16.
Correcting Errors
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Louisiana | African American Heritage Trail | Shreveport, Louisiana | Shreveport-bossier Bombers | Mooretown, Shreveport, Louisiana | Caddo Sheriff | North Louisiana Motorcycle And Social Club | David Stamps | Audrey Allen-ford | Scott Hughes | Political Analyst | North Louisiana