In a heartbreaking incident in Oroville, California, two young boys were injured when a gunman opened fire at a local school. The children, identified as Roman Mendez, aged 6, and Elias Wolfard, aged 5, were caught in the chaos during recess at the Feather River School of Seventh-Day Adventists.
The assailant, identified as Glenn Litton, a 56-year-old homeless man, reportedly targeted the school out of a sense of grievance linked to conflicts in Gaza and the institution’s connection to the church. After allegedly firing at the playground, Litton tragically took his own life. Witnesses and authorities are grappling with the aftermath of this shocking event.
Both Roman and Elias sustained critical injuries and are currently receiving treatment at a trauma center. According to reports, Roman’s sister, Vanessa Diaz, shared updates on social media, expressing both hope and gratitude for the medical care her brother is receiving. She described Roman’s condition as critical but stable, stating that he is displaying remarkable strength amidst his injuries. Vanessa mentioned that Roman has undergone several surgeries, with more needed in the future.
Vanessa wrote, “Please keep him, our family, and all the other children and families affected in your thoughts and prayers. During this difficult time, I am trying to keep my other little brother’s spirits up as we navigate this together.”
In a similar vein, Debbie Wolford, the grandmother of Elias, has also sought support for her family through a GoFundMe page. On this page, she detailed the severity of Elias’s injuries, noting that the bullet passed through his chest and abdomen, causing significant damage before exiting. Elias is currently sedated and reliant on a ventilator, waiting for further surgical procedures to address his injuries. Debbie’s efforts to galvanize community support highlight the outpouring of compassion from the public as they rally behind the affected families.
Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea remarked on the situation, declaring it a “miracle” that the two boys survived such a traumatic incident. He acknowledged the difficult recovery that lies ahead for both children, stating, “They have a very long road ahead of them. It’s very likely that they are going to have to have a number of surgeries. The fact that they are still with us is a miracle itself.” His words reflect the somber reality of the tragedy and the resilience of the young victims.
The shooting has shaken the Feather River School community and the wider Oroville area, highlighting ongoing concerns about gun violence and mental health issues. As families rally together to support those affected, the community is left grappling with how to heal in the wake of such violence.
As both Roman and Elias continue their fight for recovery, the support from their families and community remains crucial. Progress will be monitored closely, with many hoping for a full recovery. This tragic event serves as a reminder of the need for unity and support in times of crisis, as everyone involved navigates the aftermath of this heartbreaking shooting.
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